Businesses encounter a variety of financial risk exposures over time. Understanding what those risks are, when they will occur and how they interact with each other is critical.

FMC experts can review a business from top to bottom and provide a clear picture of the financial risk ecosystem. This enables us to diagnose issues, unearth opportunities and develop meaningful frameworks.

An independent external perspective

Financial Markets Consulting - Frameworks


To help ensure proper risk mitigation, there is a need for an organisation to develop meaningful frameworks. Our expert guidance aims to ensure actionable steps can be implemented.

Financial Markets Consulting - Exposure Management

Exposure management

We work with treasury to evaluate, develop and enhance risk management programs. Our services include:

  • Risk management system reviews

  • Gross exposure analysis

  • Exposure and flow management optimisation

  • Cross product analysis

  • Optimising hedging strategies

  • Liquidity and funding management

  • FX balance sheet

  • FX cash flow analysis

  • Personnel reviews

Financial Markets Consulting - Risk Management

Risk comes in many forms. FMC experts are informed and independent, providing an objective external perspective through “fresh eyes”.

Pre-emptive not reactive